Winnie’s RipFix® is the ideal product for hands damaged from hardwork and over use. It helps maintain good calluses, aids against tearing, takes the sting out of rips and speeds up recovery. Nearly every poler, aerialist, gym and fitness enthusiast has had calluses and torn skin.
Calluses forming on your hands is an inevitable part of training. Unfortunately, calluses can sometimes tear causing terrible pain. It makes working out much more difficult and in some cases training time has to be postponed until your hands have a chance to heal.
Calluses generally are nothing more than thicker areas of skin. They form from the repetitive friction and pressure on the skin. A callus typically appears on the hands from repeated poling - particularly on brass, silicone or powder-coated poles. It’s a protective barrier that is more resistant to the force and friction. But if your hands aren’t cared for correctly, then calluses can become a nuisance, and worst, rip right off. A callus tear takes time to heal and throws your training schedule completely off.
If you get hand rips from pole or aerial exercise, then Winnie’s RipFix® is the remedy for you.
RipFix is the only product on the market that is made by a family of athletes specifically for hand tears. It takes the sting out of a rip instantly, so you can quickly get back to training. Simply apply to affected area soon after a rip occurs and every night before bed until healed. Keeping the affected area moisturized with RipFix will get you back on your pole in no time.
Ripfix Standard Size is approx. 1.5 ounces or 40g
Ingredients: camphor, beeswax, coconut oil, tea tree oil, honey, and petroleum jelly.